Hello! I'm Mandy Benoit,
I am the owner, designer, & photographer for pommier-benoit! I am also co-own Benoit Greenhouses with my husband Luke! I get to be the visionary for our company & creative director, which thrills me to no end! I am also a mom of 4 kids!! Lucy (11), Anthony (8), Kate (6), & Leo (4). It is my goal to find beauty in my life every day, and to direct my mind to all of the possibilities that are right in front of me! I write about this and the many ways you can handcraft your life in my blog! Click here to read.Thank you for being here!!
I hope you have a great day!
Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are -brene brown
I believe that there isn’t anything more important than creating the space for people to be themselves. I believe that when we do this people can grow, change, and become who they are meant to be. I feel we live in a culture of perfection. You’re encouraged to fit in rather than find your own way…. think like everyone else and not encouraged to listen to what’s inside of you. To me there is nothing more beautiful or interesting than someone feeling comfortable in their own skin.
I have a long history with mental illness. Which for me was a complete and total loss of connection to my life and to myself. It was a long hard journey to travel. My hardest bout of it was after having my oldest daughter. I suffered for a year and a half before I received help. I didn’t know anyone else who had experienced this, and it made me carry so much more weight. There is so much shame wrapped up in post partum depression, and that shame comes from it not being out in the light. Hiding our need for help. I feel that there is an ideal that is created somewhat by the media and somewhat by us that can prevent us from allowing us to be who we are in that moment, someone that is struggling, and that prevents us to ultimately get help.
Read more about my journey through it all on my blog. I sincerely hope my experience can help lift you up.