5 Questions to answer to make this year better than the last.
I love a blank slate. I love the opportunity to start again, the freedom to make new priorities, and the ability to create habits around them. However, day to day life is so busy that often I feel as if I just go go go without taking the opportunity to really look at what’s working, what’s not, and if there is a way that I can make it better? If I don’t take a big step before stepping into the new year, I end up with the same stressors and aggravations as the last. Here are 5 questions that can help you make this year even better than the last.
What are the possibilities?
You have a wide open year!! Dream! What can you kick into gear this year by simply thinking about what’s possible? This year Luke & I are buying Benoit Greenhouses. I read somewhere that in order to ignite your purpose think about some of your earliest memories. I have 2 memories in particular that feel as if they happened yesterday. One, I was probably about 4 years old in one of grandparents’ greenhouses planting things with my Grandma and her friend Lola and Lola fell through a bench (she wasn’t hurt, it was only like 2 feet high) and we all just rolled with laughter. Another, I was probably about 6, sitting in our sandbox, and a new little girl moved into our neighborhood and refused to play with me because I was too dirty. My feelings were very hurt, BUT… and this sounds ridiculous, but I have finally owned that I looove being dirty. I feel amazing when my hands are in the dirt or I am barefoot. Anyway, I do ramble a lot. I can’t tell you how full of possibilities our year is. We have ideas about adding a fall season, a Christmas season, events… None of this would happen if we didn’t take time to dream first.
Who would believe that taking photos dirty dishes would inspire someone? I can’t help it I am captivated.
2. How can I make this year more fulfilling?
For me… It’s trusting my voice. I have a tendency to think everyone else is the expert and I let those voices crowd out my own. What are the things that light your fire? For me it’s having an idea and making it come alive. What would make your year more fulfilling?
3. What brings me stress?
Take a mom with 4 kids who hates keeping house. Mix 300 mismatched socks in a 20 loads of clean laundry whose home is on the spare bed in Leo’s room and ask her to get the kids their socks because we have to leave for school in 3 minutes. This is a screaming chaotic busy mess… Ugh it makes my skin crawl. The new year is a perfect time to step back and pinpoint ridiculously poor habits and change them up. I solved this by having the help of my super patient and considerate husband. He helped me fold the socks. Get rid of all of the strays, and then duh duh duhhhhh!!! We bought each kid a supply of their own type of sock. I would love to be on top of laundry year round. However, I don’t believe this is going to be the year for that. I do believe that being able to not have the sock hunt daily will make my life SOOO much better.
4. What is one thing I want to stop doing?
I believe in loving myself as I am and I believe in making change when it’s important to me. I have wanted to lose weight for years. I’m my own worst enemy. I don’t like rules, even when I make them. This year it’s important to me to get into shape, and I’m excited about figuring that out, but right now know that binge eating sweets and pizza (or anything really) does not help me move towards my goals, or make me feel good. I love celebrating with food, but when I take it to the extreme I just feel like crap. I am going to eliminate this one bad habit and take a step towards my fitness goals.
I mean if buttoning your shirt is on your list, go for it!!! :)
5. What is one thing I want to learn?
A year full of possibilities is such an aphrodisiac to me. I LOVE learning, so I sign up for Masterclass & Creative Live & an Illuminate photography class… and next thing you know this freedom loving person is sooo bogged down by over-committing that she wants to crawl out of her skin and next is so aggravated that she wasted her money on something she didn’t finish… or even worse start!! Ugh… that she wants to crawl in a hole. Is this you??? This year, I’m committed to learning how to make T-Shirts. It’s simple enough, but I know it’ll be useful and serve our businesses. What are you interested in learning?
It’s the beginning of a new year, full of possibilities! I hope yours is fabulous! Happy New Year!!! XOXO Mandy