When Leo was a baby, I remember hunting through mountains of unfolded clothes, yelling like a wild woman, for 1 sock, so that Anthony could get dressed for school. I was keyed up before the day even started. I found the dang sock, quickly put in on, yelled at them to get into the van, and then we rushed to school. At that time I decided that I hated folding clothes, and that decision set me up for a chaotic morning. I have changed my views on laundry and my routines about it, probably 30 times since, but I’ve made a few decisions that have made our mornings run so much more smoothly.

  1. All of my kids have black socks. This simplifies things. I meant for them all to have the same socks. Somehow, we still have crew, ankle, hanes & target brand because of different preferences. However, in a pinch I can just grab 2 socks and we’re golden. OUr

  2. I fold socks once per week. I have definitely found what I like about doing laundry, I don’t resent it anymore, but I also don’t have a lot of time for it. This makes sure that we have socks folded that I can grab quickly, without thinking.

  3. I put all of the socks in a basket in the hallway. This way I eliminate steps to getting ready that aren’t essential. Going in to each of there drawers takes time and energy that I’d rather put towards creativity and work that I find compelling.

    So why am I telling you about my laundry habits?

    This has nothing to do with laundry and everything to do with making decisions in advance. I have realized that a lot of my burnout that has me ending up in anxiety and panic (not my favorite place) has basically been decision fatigue! I have heard that phrase thrown around so many times, but it just didn’t seem like a big deal. Our brains have SOOO many decisions to make in a day. Which pants, underwear, shirt, sweatshirt, scarf do I wear? How about Kate? Which school shirt? skirt? pants? What do I eat for breakfast? My kiddos? What time do I get up? What workout should I do today? What time do I leave for school? Sometimes, these decisions have to be made while I’m being yelled at because I made the scrambled eggs too squishy. Your brain has limited mental energy, and all of these decisions made in the moment steal energy from your it!! Enter burnout!! All of these things, can have decisions made the night before. It’s really easy to make decisions in advance… You use a completely different part of your brain, the pre-frontal cortext, and that part excels when you set yourself up in advance. The more decisions we make in advance, the more mental energy we have to show up for the things that drive us, in the way that we want to.

    Here are some options for decisions you can make in advance. Start out with one or two and let me know how it goes!!

    1. Meals. What do you want to eat this week? Write it down, make your grocery list from your plan, Done!!

    2. Self Care. What do you want to do for you this week? Maybe it’s scheduling some time for yourself to read a new book. Plan the time to buy the book in your calendar. Plan the time to read in your calendar.

    3. Grocery Shopping. I grocery shop at 3 or 4 every sunday. This way I know I step into the week with my food ready for me & my family

    4. Your kid’s clothing. Set your kids clothing out the night before, and check out how much more smoothly your day starts

    5. Your Clothing. Have an outfit that you’d like to wear set out, have it folded nicely, with your favorite earrings set on top! I love setting myself up in this way. When I have an outfit I selected for me, I feel taken care of. I enjoy getting dressed, and I’m thankful that I don’t have to root through my clothes to find something.

    The beautiful thing is that all of these decisions in advance eliminate so much mental chatter. They also give you a day that is thoughtfully planned to step into. I make as many decisions in advance as I can, so I have the mental energy to create in the way that I want to and show up for the people that I love!! This one decision to prioritize decisions in advance has transformed my life!! Give it a try!!


    Mandy Benoit

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